Why I like writing proper docstrings while coding in python

Everyone knows that having proper docstrings in code is good, and most straightforward reason why — it’s in-place documentation for classes, functions and methods. So that’s another three reasons:

Sphinx and Read the Docs

For example, we have simple function with docstring:

def as_chan(create_chan):
    """Decorator which creates channel and coroutine. Passes channel as a
    first value to coroutine and returns that channel.


    .. code-block:: python

        def thermo(chan, unit):
            while True:
                yield chan.put(convert(thermo_get(), unit))

        def main():
            thermo_chan = thermo('C')
            while True:
                print((yield thermo_chan.get()))  # prints current temperature

    :param create_chan: Type of channel.
    :type create_chan: type[Channel]
    :returns: Created coroutine.

    def decorator(fn):
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            chan = create_chan()
            coroutine(fn)(chan, *args, **kwargs)
            return chan
        return wrapped
    return decorator

And using sphinx-apidoc and Read the Docs we can generate cool documentation like this. And it’ll be automatically generated after each push to github.

Quick help in IDE

I’ve been using pycharm, but I think there’s something similar in other IDEs.

Suppose we have function (full source code):

def get_servo(num):
    """Creates write and read channels for servo. Should be used
    only in coroutine.


    .. code-block:: python
        servo_set, servo_get = get_servo(1)
        yield servo_set.put(90)  # set servo to 90 degrees
        yield servo_get.get()  # prints current servo degree

    :param num: Number of servo.
    :type num: int
    :returns: Write and read channels.
    :rtype: (Channel, SlidingChannel)


It’s not simple to guess what it returns and how work with it, but if we just press ctrl+Q:


Warnings on wrong type and better autocomplete with type hinting

Assume we started writing simple function:

def get_user_groups(user):
    :type user: User 
    :rtype: list[Group]

With type hinting we can use proper autocomplete inside it:


And for result of the function:


And we can see warnings when pass value of wrong type to the function:


More about type hinting.

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