Mocking clojurescript code written with core.async

When I write tests for the code in clojurescript and core.async I feel little pain — with-redefs doesn’t work correctly with go-blocks. For example I have a function:

(defn get-subtitles
  [sources limit]
  (go (-> (http/get (get-url sources limit))

And the test for it:

(deftest ^:async test-get-subtitles
  (with-redefs [http/get (constantly fixture)]
    (go (is (= (<! (get-subtitles const/all 100)) expected))

It didn’t work, it actually tries to make http request. Ok, I can try to put with-redefs inside go-block:

(deftest ^:async test-get-subtitles
  (go (with-redefs [http/get (constantly fixture)]
        (is (= (<! (get-subtitles const/all 100)) expected)))
      (with-redefs [http/get (constantly blank-result)]
        (is (= (<! (get-subtitles const/addicted 100)) [])))

The first assertion works, but in the second assertion I have previously redefined http/get and it’s incorrect and the assertion fails — with-redefs permanently changes var when applied in the go-block.

So I’ve developed a little macro which works like with-redefs and can be used inside of go-block and with code without core.async:

(defmacro with-reset
  [bindings & body]
  (let [names (take-nth 2 bindings)
        vals (take-nth 2 (drop 1 bindings))
        current-vals (map #(list 'identity %) names)
        tempnames (map (comp gensym name) names)
        binds (map vector names vals)
        resets (reverse (map vector names tempnames))
        bind-value (fn [[k v]] (list 'set! k v))]
    `(let [~@(interleave tempnames current-vals)]
         ~@(map bind-value binds)
           ~@(map bind-value resets))))))

And usage:

(deftest ^:async test-get-subtitles
  (go (with-reset [http/get (constantly fixture)]
        (is (= (<! (get-subtitles const/all 100)) expected)))
      (with-reset [http/get (constantly blank-result)]
        (is (= (<! (get-subtitles const/addicted 100)) [])))

I put this macro in clj-di for avoiding copying it between projects.

Tests for this macro on github.

UPD: example updated.

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