Getting total count of indexed documents in the GAE Search API

Around a month ago I was stuck with task – I had to get total count of indexed documents in the GAE Search API. Sounds simple, but not – this API doesn’t have a method for doing that, it has something similar – storage_usage, but this attribute contains size of index in bytes. But the API provides method for receiving ids of documents, so I’ve tried:

>>> len(index.get_range(ids_only=True))
>>> len(index.get_range(ids_only=True, limit=1000))
>>> len(index.get_range(ids_only=True, limit=1001))
ValueError: limit, 1001 must be <= 1000

And another pitfall – get_range couldn’t return more than 1000 ids. So I’ve tried to run it in cycle:

def calculate_count():
    # Starts with 1 because in other iteration new range will
    # start with last item from previous range:
    result = 1
    start_id = None
    while True:
        if start_id is None:
            index_range = index.get_range(ids_only=True, limit=1000)
            index_range = index.get_range(start_id=start_id,
                                          ids_only=True, limit=1000)
        if len(index_range) > 1:
            start_id = index_range[-1].doc_id
            result += len(index_range) - 1  # Ignore last item from previous range
            return result

>>> calculate_count()

Yep, It takes more than 60 seconds. But then I’ve tried to run each iteration in deferred and write result to memcahe:

def calculate_count(start_id=None, result=1):
    if start_id is None:
        index_range = index.get_range(ids_only=True, limit=1000)
        index_range = index.get_range(start_id=start_id,
                                      ids_only=True, limit=1000)
    if len(index_range) > 1:
                       len(index_range) - 1 + result)
        memcache.set('RESULT', result)

>>> calculate_count()
# Wait few minutes...
>>> memcache.get('RESULT')

And It works!

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