From books all we know that main principles of OOP is polymorphism and encapsulation, but other meaning is that the significant aspect of OOP is a message passing. And in Clojure we have a cool library for dealing with messages – core.async. So we can build simple “object” with it, and we can use core.match for “parsing” messages in this “object”. Yep, there will be something like Erlang actors:
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [go go-loop chan <! >! >!! <!!]])
(require '[clojure.core.match :refer [match]])
(def dog
(let [messages (chan)]
(go-loop []
(match (<! messages)
[:bark!] (println "Bark! Bark!")
[:say! x] (println "Dog said:" x))
Here I’ve just created channel and in the go-loop
matched received messages from them with
registered messages patterns.
Format of messages is [:name & args]
We can easily test dog
object by putting message in the channel:
user=> (>!! dog [:bark!])
# Bark! Bark!
user=> (>!! dog [:say! "Hello world!"])
# Dog said: Hello world!
Looks awesome, but maybe we should add a state? It’s pretty simple:
(def stateful-dog
(let [calls (chan)]
(go-loop [state {:barked 0}]
(recur (match (<! calls)
[:bark!] (do (println "Bark! Bark!")
(update-in state [:barked]
[:how-many-barks?] (do (println (:barked state))
I’ve just put default state in the bindings for go-loop
it with new state after processing messages.
And we can test it:
user=> (>!! stateful-dog [:bark!])
# Bark! Bark!
user=> (>!! stateful-dog [:how-many-barks?])
# 1
user=> (>!! stateful-dog [:bark!])
# Bark! Bark!
user=> (>!! stateful-dog [:bark!])
# Bark! Bark!
user=> (>!! stateful-dog [:how-many-barks?])
# 3
Great, but what if we want to receive result of the method? It’s simple too:
(def answering-dog
(let [calls (chan)]
(go-loop [state {:barked 0}]
(recur (match (<! calls)
[:bark! _] (do (println "Bark! Bark!")
(update-in state [:barked]
[:how-many-barks? result] (do (>! result (:barked state))
I’ve just set a channel as a last argument of the message and put result in it. It’s not that simple to use like previous examples, but it’s ok:
user=> (>!! answering-dog [:bark! (chan)])
# Bark! Bark!
user=> (>!! answering-dog [:bark! (chan)])
# Bark! Bark!
user=> (let [result (chan)]
#_=> (>!! answering-dog [:how-many-barks? result])
#_=> (<!! result))
Last call looks too complex, let’s add a few helpers to make it easier:
(defn call
[obj & msg]
(go (let [result (chan)]
(>! obj (conj (vec msg) result))
(<! result))))
(defn call!!
[obj & msg]
(<!! (apply call obj msg)))
should be used only outside of go-block
, call
— in combination with <!
and <!!
. Let’s look to them in action:
user=> (call!! answering-dog :how-many-barks?)
user=> (<!! (call answering-dog :how-many-barks?))
user=> (call!! answering-dog :set-barks!)
# Exception in thread "async-dispatch-33" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching clause: [:set-barks!...
user=> (call!! answering-dog :how-many-barks?)
# ...
So now we have a problem, when error happens in a object – object dies and no longer
sends responses to messages. So we should add try/except
to all methods, better to use macros for
automating that. But before we should define format of response:
[:ok val]
– all ok;[:error error-reason]
– error happened;[:none]
– we can’t put justnil
in a channel, so we’ll use this.
Yep, you can notice that this looks like Maybe/Option monad.
So let’s write macroses:
(defn ok! [ch val] (go (>! ch [:ok val])))
(defn error! [ch reason] (go (>! ch [:error reason])))
(defn none! [ch] (go (>! ch [:none])))
(defmacro object
[default-state & body]
(let [flat-body (mapcat macroexpand body)]
`(let [calls# (chan)]
(go-loop ~default-state
(recur (match (<! calls#)
[& msg#] (do (error! (last msg#) [:method-not-found (first msg#)])
~@(take-nth 2 default-state)))))
(defmacro method
[pattern & body]
[pattern `(try (do ~@body)
(catch Exception e#
(error! ~(last pattern) e#)))])
Macro object
can be used for creating objects and macro method
— for defining methods inside the object.
Here you could notice that [& msg#]
works exactly like method_missing
in Ruby.
So now we can create objects using this macroses:
(defn make-cat
(object [state {:age 10
:name name}]
(method [:get-name result]
(ok! result (:name state))
(method [:set-name! new-name result]
(none! result)
(assoc state :name new-name))
(method [:make-older! result]
(error! result :not-implemented)
(def cat (make-cat "Simon"))
We created object cat
with methods get-name
, set-name!
and make-older!
, make-cat
is a
improvised constructor. This object can be used like all previous objects, but in combination
with core.match
it’ll be more useful:
user=> (match (call!! cat :get-name)
#_=> [:ok val] (println val))
# Simon
user=> (match (call!! cat :set-name! "UltraSimon")
#_=> [:none] (println "Name changed"))
# Name changed
user=> (match (call!! cat :get-name)
#_=> [:ok val] (println val))
# UltraSimon
user=> (match (call!! cat :make-older!)
#_=> [:ok age] (println "Now - " age)
#_=> [:error reason] (println "Failed with " reason))
# Failed with :not-implemented
user=> (match (call!! cat :i-don't-know-what)
#_=> [:error _] (println "Failed"))
# Failed
Looks perfect! But that’s not all, later I’ll implement a inheritance on top of this mess.