Writing angularjs code without callbacks

Before I start I need to notice that in this article I’ll use CoffeeScript instead of JavaScript, because syntax of JS generators is too bloated, especially with decorators and inside of some functions:

    return gen(function*(){
        yield something;

From the other side syntax of CoffeeScript generators is neat:

-> gen ->
    yield something

But all code examples can be translated to JavaScript as-is.

Few weeks ago I wrote a little library – ng-gen, it’s designed to use power of generators with angularjs, and it’ll be used in this article.

Imagine simple controller code where we need to get data from few http resources and assigne it to the $scope:

.controller 'main', ($scope, $http) ->
  $http.get('/tags/').then ({data}) ->
    $scope.tags = data
  , ({data}) ->
    $scope.tagsError = "Couldn't fetch tags: #{data}"

  $scope.fetchPhotos = (tag) ->
    $http.get('/photos/?tag=#{tag}').then ({data}) ->
      $scope.photos = data
    , ({data}) ->
      $scope.photosError = "Couldn't fetch photos: #{data}"


Let’s try to rewrite it with ng-gen:

.controller 'main', ($scope, $http, mainGen, gen) -> mainGen ->  # 1
    $scope.tags = (yield $http.get '/tags/').data  # 2
  catch {data: err}   # 3
    $scope.tagsError = "Couldn't fetch tags: #{err}"

  $scope.fetchPhotos = (tag) -> gen ->  # 4
      $scope.photos = (yield $http.get '/photos/?tag=#{tag}').data
    catch {data: err}
      $scope.photosError = "Couldn't fetch photos: #{err}"

  yield $scope.fetchPhotos()

I think it looks simpler and reads like imperative code in python or other familiar languages.

So, what happens in this code sample:

  1. Calls mainGen on the generator, it processes all received promises from the generator. When generator inside mainGen fails, mainGen propagates exception.
  2. Yields promise, and returns the first argument of success branch of the promise, in code with promises it’s something like this: promise.then (response) -> $scope.tags = response.data
  3. When yielded promise fails, mainGen throws an exception, in code with promises it’ll be: proomise.then (->), (err) -> $scope.tagsError = "Couldn't fetch tags: #{err}"
  4. Creates a function which calls gen on generator. Difference between mainGen and gen, is that gen returns a promise.

But what if we want to create a service for getting tags. And in the service we need to retry request five times on error, first let’s create it without generators:

.constant 'retryCount', 5

.constant 'retryTimeout', 500

.factory 'Tags', ($http, $q, $timeout, retryCount, retryDelay) ->
  all: -> $q (resolve, reject) ->  # 1
    makeRequest = (errorsCount=0) ->  # 2
      $http.get('/tags/').then ({data})
        resolve data.map ({name}) -> name  # 3
      , ({data}) ->
        if errorsCount <= retryCount
          timeout (-> makeRequest errorsCount + 1), retryDelay  # 4
          reject data  # 5


.controller 'main', ($scope, $http, mainGen, gen, Tags) -> mainGen ->
    $scope.tags = yield Tags.all()  # 6
  catch {data: err}
    $scope.tagsError = "Couldn't fetch tags: #{err}"

  $scope.fetchPhotos = (tag) -> gen ->
      $scope.photos = (yield $http.get '/photos/?tag=#{tag}').data
    catch {data: err}
      $scope.photosError = "Couldn't fetch photos: #{err}"

  yield $scope.fetchPhotos()

Wow, this service looks too complex, and what happens here:

  1. Creates a function which creates a new promise.
  2. Creates a helper function for making request to server.
  3. When request succeed – resolves the promise.
  4. When failed and errors count lower or equal to the maximum retries count – waits a few seconds and tries again with increased counter.
  5. When higher – rejects the promise with error.
  6. Gets tags using the service.

Let’s try to rewrite this pain to generators, all code except the service stay the same:

.factory 'Tags', ($http, gen, wait, retryCount, retryDelay) ->
  all: -> gen ->
    for errorsCount in [0..retryCount]
        response = yield $http.get '/tags/'
        return response.data.map ({name}) -> name  # 1
      catch {data: err}
        yield wait retryDelay  # 2
    throw err  # 3

Isn’t it a lot simpler, more readable and more flat? What happens here:

  1. Stops the generator on first success result, with gen it equals to resolve call.
  2. Waits a few milliseconds, wait is a part of ng-gen and works like timeout, but more useful with generators.
  3. Throws error when all retries reached, with gen it equals to reject call.

It’s all cool, but generators isn’t a silver bullet, currently we can use generators only in latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, or with translators like Babel, with which we can use generators with some limitation. For example, we can’t run code like this in browsers without native support of generators:

while True
  $scope.posts = (yield $http.get '/posts/').data
  yield wait 5000

Additional links: ng-gen, JavaScript samples.

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