Few days ago I had to find a cheap flight ticket. And all services that I know allows to search only for selected day, but I needed for a month. It’s a pain to select every day, search and manually choose a best deal. So I decided to automate it.
As I know all services uses tons of client-side code for searching and some times asks to type a captcha, so simplest solution is to write an extension from Chrome. As an enemy I selected Yandex Avia, because I just used to it, but It’s not so important, approach used in the article can be used with other services.
First of all, let’s create main function for searching:
(defn run
[id-from id-to date-from date-to]
(->> (days-range date-from date-to)
(map #(get-flights id-from id-to %))
Where’s id-from
and id-to
are airports ids, date-from
and date-to
are date range for
searching. Code looks very straightforward, we just creates a date range, gets flights,
concats results
and presents it. Now we need to implement each function from this pipeline.
isn’t interesting, so let’s start with get-flights
. In this function we
should open a tab with special url, get results from it and close the tab. So start with
opening a tab with chrome.tabs.create
(defn open-tab
(let [done (chan)]
(.. js/chrome -tabs (create #js {:url url}
#(go (>! done %))))
This action is asynchronously, so we use core.async
So now let’s look to most complicated part – parsing. That part works on the background’s
side and on the content side (on the service’s web app pages). Background side is a bit
complicated: we should send a script to content with chrome.tabs.executeScript
and wait for a message with result using chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener
but it can be implemented very simple:
; Map of tab-id => chan
(def waiting (atom {}))
; Puts received message to the waiting channel
(.. js/chrome -runtime -onMessage (addListener
#(go (let [result (js->clj %1 :keywordize-keys true)
{:keys [tab]} (js->clj %2 :keywordize-keys true)
waiter (get @waiting (:id tab))]
(>! waiter result)))))
(defn run-script
[{:keys [id]}]
(let [result (chan)]
(.. js/chrome -tabs (executeScript id #js {:file "content/main.js"}))
; Puts channel in waiting map
(swap! waiting assoc id result)
And content side is more than simple:
(go-loop []
(if (ready?)
(.. js/chrome -runtime (sendMessage #js {:status :ok
:flights (clj->js (get-flights))}))
(do (<! (timeout 500))
We skip content’s get-flights
and ready?
here, because it’s just a parsing of html.
Back to the background’s get-flights
, now we can implement it:
(defn get-flights
[id-from id-to date]
(go (let [search-format (formatter "dd+MMM")
tab (<! (open-tab (make-url id-from id-to (unparse search-format date))))
{:keys [id]} (js->clj tab :keywordize-keys true)
{:keys [flights]} (<! (run-script tab))]
(.. js/chrome -tabs (remove id))
(map #(assoc % :date date) flights))))
So that hardcore action was simplified to simple and flat code.
Now we can go back to main function. We can’t just use concat
for a list of channels,
so we should implement something similar:
(defn concat-flights
(go-loop [[flight & flights] flights
result []]
(if flights
(recur flights (concat result (<! flight)))
It works just like concat
, but accepts a list of channels and returns a single channel with
concatenated result.
And now the latest part – presentat
, we just use console.table
here, it
offers us fancy table view with sorting:
(defn present
(let [present-format (formatter "MM.dd")]
(go (->> (<! prices)
(map #(update % :date (fn [date] (unparse present-format date))))
(.table js/console)))))
Now we can look to the result with flights from Saint-Petersburg (Russia) to Denpasar (Indonesia, Bali) in range from the first day of September till the first day of October:
Isn’t it cool that this very complicated logic can be written as a simple flat code almost without callback, and can be simplified to just a pipeline of short actions?