Conway's Game of Life for Web and Android with ClojureScript

Recently I’ve been working on rerenderer – cross-platform react-like library for drawing on canvas. So I though it would be nice to implement Conway’s Game of Life with it.

All rerenderer applications have two essential parts: controller, that manipulates state and handle events, and view, that renders it. It’s actually MVC, but model (state) here is just an atom.

Let’s start with view:

  (:require [rerenderer.primitives :refer [rectangle]]))

(def cell-size 40)

(defn cell
  [[x y]]
  (let [cell-x (* cell-size x)
        cell-y (* cell-size y)]
    (rectangle {:x cell-x
                :y cell-y
                :width cell-size
                :height cell-size
                :color "green"})))

(defn root-view
  [{:keys [cells]}]
  (rectangle {:x 0
              :y 0
              :width 1920
              :height 1080
              :color "white"}
    (for [cell-data cells]
      (cell cell-data))))

Here cell is the game cell, it will be rendered as a green rectangle. And root-view is the game scene that will contain all cells.

One nice thing about rerenderer, that it just renders state, so you can change :cells in editor below and see how root-view will rerender it:

Now it’s time for controller. Game logic already was implemented million times, it’s not so interesting, so I’ve just took it from sebastianbenz/clojure-game-of-life and we’ll use tick function from there:

  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]])
  (:require [cljs.core.async :refer [<! timeout]]))

(defn main-controller
  [_ state-atom _]
  (go-loop []
    (<! (timeout 100))
    (swap! state-atom update :cells tick)

It’s very simple, every 100ms we’ll get new game state with tick and update rendering state.

And now the final part, glue that connect controller with view and state:

  (:require [rerenderer.core :refer [init!]]
            [ :refer [root-view]]
            [ :refer [main-controller]]))

(def inital-state {:cells [[1 5] [2 5] [1 6] [2 6]
                           [11 5] [11 6] [11 7] [12 4] [12 8] [13 3] [13 9] [14 3] [14 9]
                           [15 6] [16 4] [16 8] [17 5] [17 6] [17 7] [18 6]
                           [21 3] [21 4] [21 5] [22 3] [22 4] [22 5] [23 2] [23 6] [25 1] [25 2] [25 6] [25 7]
                           [35 3] [35 4] [36 3] [36 4]]})

(init! :root-view root-view
       :event-handler main-controller
       :state inital-state)

And that’s all, in action:

And it works on Android (apk), not without problems, it has some performance issues. And there’s strange behaviour, it’s like ten times slower when screen recorder is on. But it works without changes in code and renders on Android native Canvas:

Source code on github.

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