Rerenderer rendering performance

Rerenderer is a React-like library for cross platform drawing on canvas. And we experimenting a lot with ways to improve performance of rendering. Not so while ago I wrote about intermediate language and interpreter, this approach was interesting, but not so much efficient. Performing optimizations on that language wasn’t enough fast and interpreter on Android was based on reflection and was a bit slow because of that.

So now we decided to sacrifice flexibility and move component implementation to host platforms (we use Kotlin for Android and ClojureScript for browsers). And use simpler approach with canvases tree (one canvas for each component), where we rerender only changed canvases and ancestors. So for example we have a simple app:

(ns rerenderer.example.core
  (:require [rerenderer.core :refer [init!]]
            [rerenderer.primitives :refer [rectangle text]]
            [rerenderer.debug :refer [swap-state!]]))

(defn labeled
  [{:keys [label width] :as options} & children]
  (rectangle options
    (text {:x (- width 50) :y 0
           :width 40 :height 40
           :font-size 36
           :color "#3E454C"
           :value label})))

(defn root
  [{:keys [background-color first-color second-color third-color]}]
  (labeled {:x 0 :y 0
            :width 800 :height 400
            :color background-color
            :label "A"}
    (labeled {:x 30 :y 30
              :width 200 :height 200
              :color first-color
              :label "B"})
    (labeled {:x 100 :y 100
              :width 500 :height 250
              :color second-color
              :label "C"}
      (labeled {:x 400 :y 150
                :width 100 :height 100
                :color third-color
                :label "D"}))))

(def initial-state
  {:background-color "#FFF6E5"
   :first-color "#7ECEFD"
   :second-color "#FF7F66"
   :third-color "#2185C5"})

(defonce app (init! :root-view #'root
                    :state initial-state
                    :canvas (.getElementById js/document "canvas")
                    :width 800
                    :height 600))

Whole scene can be represented as a tree:

graph TB A[A]-->B[B] A-->C[C] C-->D[D]

So when we change D:

(swap-state! app assoc :third-color :red)

We rerender D, C and A, but don’t touch B:

graph TB A[A]-->B[B] A-->C[C] C-->D[D] style D fill:red; style C stroke:red; style A stroke:red;

But when we change C:

(swap-state! app assoc :second-color :white)

We rerender only C, A and don’t touch B and D. Because changes doesn’t affect it canvases:

graph TB A[A]-->B[B] A-->C[C] C-->D[D] style C fill:red; style A stroke:red;

You can easily notice performance boost in browser on more complex example – Conway’s Game of Life:

And on Android:

It’s faster then before, but you can notice that it’s not smooth, now we have a little problem with GC.

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